Tag Archives: Indisch


linking 03 voor websiteBelow you will find links to websites of institutes where I have had trainings and teachings,  subjects that have greatly inspired me, sometimes for many years, as well as institutions of which I have to be a member in order to be able to do the therapeutic work.

links Inst AUMMTraining Institute AUMM    Starting point of the huge adventure in order to find out ”Who am I, really?” In 2016 it is expected that I will finish the training for Primal Rebirth® therapist (in process of being trained, finish in 2016 or 2017), place for innervision, intervision and supervision.

Essence 5 I am my EssenceEssence work    Very important for me to learn to know who I am, to find rest with who I used to be, as well as who I am at present, with which I eventually was able to open my heart for the total of who I am. Through Essence Work I was able to reset the way I relate with me as well as with other people. One of the results is that I can be present in a more solid way than I used to be.

links BHI Grn


Bert Hellinger Institute Netherlands    Operating base for almost all education with regard to systemic work, particularly constellations with regard to family, organisations and sickness & health.

links NTI NLP


NTI NLP    Location where I learned to work with Systemic Structural Constellations.

links OpenVloerConstellations platform ‘Open Vloer’    This platform emerged from the intervision group for Systemic Structural Constellations, a group of five people passionate about this way of constellation work. Of course we also work with other constellation competences. Every six weeks Open Vloer organizes a constellation workshop, mostly in Rotterdam.

links PSYCH-K


PSYCH-K    This is a method that works with limiting convictions. The client works with his/her convictions in a direct way in order to transform inner stress in a growth attitude.

logo-zo-ib-tbv-linksZO-IB    Self Development on the Move. Individual support focused on functioning at the workplace. A very interesting, uncommon approach. 

Selectie RW Tarot kaartenTarot Stap voor Stap    At various levels of what we  essentially are the Tarot deck gives us insight in our inner selves. Coincidence does not exist.  A beautiful way of understanding what’s going on behind all sorts of questions.  

links PelitaStichting Pelita    An association for people who have their roots in Indonesia, but have lived in the Netherlands for many, many years. Once a month the members can meet and greet, thus enjoying shared culture and history in a relaxed way.

links SBLPSBLP    This professional association assists her members in keeping them posted of the latest changes in regulations and other matters regarding the practical side of being a therapist.


Register Beroepsbeoefenaren Complementaire Zorg.  My name is registered in this register for complementary care. Being a registered therapist BCZ® I, together with my activities, am subject to disciplinary law following TCZ (disciplinary standards complementary care).


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