Tag Archives: PSYCH-K


Supervision, inter-vision, inner-vision, other learning moments

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The training programme to be a Primal Rebirth® therapist does not end after having received my diploma.  Because of ongoing research and as a result of it altering insights all over the world, participation in the programme for supervision, inter-vision and inner-vision of the Training Institute AUMM  is needed. The supervisor is a psychologist with over thirty years of experience  in body work as well as inner child work.

Also, I am member of the team of assistants in the training workshops of the Instituut AUMM.

Other activities with the purpose of staying informed professionally: 

I participate in an intervision group for Systemische Struktur Aufstellungen (systemic structure constellations). Out of this group constellation platform ”Open Vloer” emerged, with its home in DJOJ, a spiritual centre in Rotterdam.

Three times I joined the international training intensive for organisation constellations, IOCTI, taking place every two years (next IOCTI is scheduled in October/November, 2022).

What effected me the most, is ”in experience, staying close to myself”. My orientation used to be outward, out of connection. Through being close to myself, I am able to sense my share in interactions, and take responsibility for them. This I had to learn, a long-term process.

4website ik ben blij met mij 1Nowadays I can say: ”I am happy with me” – something  I would really like everybody to achieve in his/her life. In case you need support for this purpose, as well, I will gladly be there for you. – From my own experience I know: don’t hesitate, go for it. Because, you know … in your life there is only one hero: YOU – that really is you.

“Trainings –

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